Remote assistance
How does it work ?
It is nothing more than remote assistance, it is a much more efficient method than telephone assistance as through the remote display of your device, the qualified technician will be able to access your PC virtually wherever you are, being able to verify the presence of any problems and intervene directly. This avoids any communication problems, misunderstandings and lengthy explanations.

Install the program useful for starting the connection remotely and get comfortable

Now relax while we operate on your computer.
Problem solved without the need for the technician to be present in the company
something extra

Reduction of intervention costs: remote assistance allows you to save on the cost of the technician's exit. Taking advantage of the internet service to operate remotely.
Reduction of intervention times: the interval between reporting and resolution is drastically reduced. Technicians save travel time and increase the number of daily interventions.
Interventions even in distant places: physical distances are no longer a problem. Anyone and anywhere can take advantage of our experience and professionalism as long as they have an internet connection.
Ease and accessibility: this technology is easily usable by anyone and allows us to give support even to people with particular difficulties.

Problems that can be solved remotely
Not all device-related issues can be solved with remote assistance, here are what they are:
Pc maintenance.
Check, install, remove updates and software.
Antivirus check and update.
E-mail configuration and management.
Network errors in the company.
Configuration of printers and peripherals.
Virus removal.
Data backup configuration and management.

The remote connection is secure
The IT technician will direct you to the remote access program. Once the program is installed, you will give the IT technician a code for access.
At the end of the intervention, you will see the confirmation of disconnection from your PC.